{ //Diese Datei definiert den Zugriff auf einen Wechselrichter //Solaredge_SE10K-RWS mit über CAN angeschlossener Batterie RESU12 von LG //Am Ende der Datei wird Bezug genommen auf Werte der RESU12 Batterie //Diese hat hier die Gerätebezeichnung M6, die ggf. zu modifizieren ist //Die Datei funktioniert daher nur gemeinsam mit der Datei //meter_SE10K_LG_RESU12CANfloat32.json, die die Batteriedaten der RESU12 liest "rtype": 0, // 0 = modbus, 1 = http/json "name": "Solaredge_SE10K_PAC+Bat_rUIP", // as displayed in the config dialog "manufacturer": "Solaredge", "dev_type": "SE10K-RWS_PAC+Bat_rUIP", // will be prefixed by "meter_" "delay_accumulated": false, // false: always read accumulated value, like import_wh / export_wh when reading instantaneous values // "upd_delay": 8000, // minimum interval between updates in msec // modbus parameters "modbus_read": 3, // function code to read registers "modbus_read_max_registers": 20, "modbus_write": 16, // function code to write register(s) "modbus_write_max_registers": 64, // values used to build the model string "type_designation": { "address": "40020", "type": "string", "length": 15 }, "version": { "address": "40044", "type": "string", "length": 14 }, "firmware_version": { "fixed": "n.v." }, "serial": { "address": "40052", "type": "string", "length": 8 }, // instantaneous values "I_AC_CurrentA": { "address": "40072", "type": "int16", }, "I_AC_CurrentB": { "address": "40073", "type": "int16", }, "I_AC_CurrentC": { "address": "40074", "type": "int16", }, "I_AC_Current_SF": { "address": "40075", "type": "int16", }, "current_SF_mA": { "expr": "10^(I_AC_Current_SF+3)", }, "current_l1": { "expr": "max(I_AC_CurrentA*current_SF_mA-current_bat,0)", }, "current_l2": { "expr": "max(I_AC_CurrentB*current_SF_mA-current_bat,0)", }, "current_l3": { "expr": "max(I_AC_CurrentC*current_SF_mA-current_bat,0)", }, "I_AC_VoltageAN": { "address": 40079, "type": "int16" }, "I_AC_VoltageBN": { "address": 40080, "type": "int16" }, "I_AC_VoltageCN": { "address": 40081, "type": "int16" }, "I_AC_Voltage_SF": { "address": 40082, "type": "int16" }, "voltage_SF_V": { "expr": "10^(I_AC_Voltage_SF)" }, "voltage_l1": { "expr": "I_AC_VoltageAN*voltage_SF_V" }, "voltage_l2": { "expr": "I_AC_VoltageBN*voltage_SF_V" }, "voltage_l3": { "expr": "I_AC_VoltageCN*voltage_SF_V" }, "voltage_mean": { "expr": "(voltage_l1+voltage_l2+voltage_l3)" }, "I_AC_Power": { "address": "40083", "type": "int16", }, "I_AC_Power_SF": { "address": "40084", "type": "int16", }, "power_w": { "expr": "max(I_AC_Power*10^I_AC_Power_SF-M6.power_w,0)", }, "current_bat": { // "expr": "voltage_mean", "expr": "M6.power_w*1000/voltage_mean", }, "import_wh": { "address": "40093", "type": "uint64" } }