Below we show you the cabling options for multiple EVSEs on our cFos Charging Manager. The cFos Charging Manager is integrated with our cFos Power Brain Wallbox and is available as a standalone version for a one-off fee per charging point. You can then run this on a Raspberry Pi or Windows PC.
If you have your boxes controlled via the cFos Charging Manager, the following advantages result:
If you want to set up a charging park with more devices, you can use Modbus TCP/IP (WLAN), Modbus RTU (cable connection) and Modbus Proxy without a mix (see below).
Our cFos Power Brain Wallboxs support a Modbus proxy. Up to 20 Modbus devices are connected via Modbus RTU (cable) to a cFos Power Brain Wallbox or to a Modbus adapter on a Windows PC or Raspberry Pi. In this case, the Charging Manager communicates with all devices via Modbus TCP/IP protocol. The proxy then forwards the Modbus requests to the Modbus RTU 2-wire connection.
This feature is particularly useful for large installations or if you do not want to set up comprehensive WLAN coverage for your charging infrastructure
There are several ways to achieve sufficient WLAN network coverage: