cFos Power Brain Wallbox - Commissioning
cFos Power Brain Wallbox - Quick guide (PDF)
cFos Power Brain Wallbox Solar - Quick guide (PDF)
cFos Power Brain Wallbox Plug-In - Quick Guide (PDF)
cFos Wallbox Booster - Quick guide (PDF)
Data sheets
Safe operation
Active power control by the distribution grid operator (§14a EnWG)
Environmentally conscious charging
What's new in the latest firmware version of the cFos Power Brain Wallbox?
Home page
System configuration
Charging rules e-car
Charging rules for battery storage
Heat pumps
Bidirectional charging
Remedy memory shortage in the cFos Power Brain Controller
PV surplus charging (solar surplus charging)
Phase switching between 1-phase and 3-phase charging
Automatic phase changeover
Surplus shop
Solar surplus loading instructions
Instructions for some wallboxes, meters and inverters
Example: Setting up a charging park and solar surplus with the help of a Raspberry Pi
Test for yourself whether the cFos Charging Manager is compatible with your inverter.
Dashboard and utilisation graphs
User administration
RFID and PIN functions
Instructions: Create user
Billing and use of calibrated meters
Charging with kWh budgets
Price-controlled charging
Environmentally friendly charging
User-defined counters
Formulas for counters and charging rules
Counter utilisation options
Applications for electricity meters
COM port counter
operate cFos Charging Manager with Volkszähler/vzlogger
Optical read heads and SML counters
cFos Charging Manager App - Download and functions
cFos Charging Manager and the cFos Cloud
Instructions for installing the cFos Charging Manager on a Raspberry Pi
What's new in the current version of the cFos Charging Manager?
Help with WLAN problems
Instructions for Modbus cabling (PDF)
cFos Power Brain Controller with Modbus meter or S0 meter
connect cFos Power Brain wallboxes with Mesh
Installation options / cabling options
Operating Raspberry Pi with Huawei LTE stick/router
OCPP configuration for cFos Charging Manager, cFos Power Brain Controller and the cFos Power Brain Wallbox
OCCP backend test instructions
cFos Charging Manager on the Smart Meter Gateway
Dynamic load management
cFos Power Brain Wallbox in master-slave mode
Charging groups
Example: Car park for apartment block and condominiums
Example: Apartment block with 13 parties and underground car park
Modbus register
SunSpec Modbus API
DEM4A operating instructions (PDF)
cFos YTL DTS353 operating instructions (PDF)
cFos YTL DTS353 Modbus Register (PDF)